Sunday, March 4, 2007
Sweet & Low
So, on Tuesday we went to CHOP for his Endocrine appointment. This was his follow up after seeing them in the hospital in August for a low blood sugar attack(yes, it took this long for an appointment). In August, they ran a battery of test, but could not find the reason for his blood sugar dropping to 9. He showed no physical signs of hypoglycemia – i.e. seizures, lethargy, etc. In his follow up visit the doctors considered his low blood sugar attack to be transient. They said that a transient attack is when the symptoms persist for a 6 month period of time and then they just disappear. So, with that said, the doctors said that they would recommend to his other specialist, that they now treat him as if he does not have hypoglycemia. This came as a relief to us!!! Since his low blood sugar attack (in August), he has been on continuous feeds. Only taking breaks for medication, therapy and bath time. We all want him on bolus feeds and off of the continuous feeds. Bolus feeds would simulate more of a normal routine. It would also give his little tummy a break, and advance his ST (speech therapy). So, our first step was to go to GI (Gastroenterology) and try to get him put on bolus feeds. This is where the run around starts. GI tells us that Pulmonary likes him on the continuous feeds, because it lessens the likelihood of fluid getting into the lungs. The only time this was an issue was when he was very young (Still in the NICU), and even then it was due to his lung disease and not his feeding schedule. After trying to contact Pulmonary for 2 days, without any luck, we’re growing a tad bit aggravated! Tre` has been on continuous feeds since August. Well…we were able to persuade his GI doctor to ok a bolus feed during the day at a rate of 70ml for 2hours and one hour off; still remaining on continuous overnight. This has been going on for almost a month and we’ve had no problems. His stomach hasn’t descended, so signs of distress, and stool issues associated with this change. So what’s the hold up?!?! I plan to call them (Pulmonary) as many times as I can on Monday to address this.

During his physical exam the doctor made mentions of his growth. At 13+ months, Tre` is 23lbs 10oz, but about 26 inches in length. This puts in a bit under for his length.

for measurements 2-27-07

He will be tested for a
human growth deficiency. I tried to explain that shortness runs in my family (I’m 5ft) but I didn’t put too much into it because I would much rather them rule this out so we can move on. I know he’s a shorty but I’d hate to add something new to his diagnosis list.
posted by Tre's Mom @ 12:25 AM  
  • At March 5, 2007 at 3:08:00 PM EST, Blogger Jessica said…

    Way to GROW Tre! I hope they can get you to those bolus feeds. I cant imagine the frustration. I was frustrated with an O2 tank and monitor. You are a strong woman Dwana! Keep up the great work! God does wonderful things and there is a reason for everything.
    Kisses from Bella

  • At March 5, 2007 at 9:08:00 PM EST, Blogger ~k~ said…

    My girl is a shorty, too :) Sometimes I wonder what the docs think when they look down at the tops of our heads to say that our kids are short! Ummm, can you say 'genes'? LOL!

  • At March 12, 2007 at 6:40:00 PM EDT, Blogger Shannon said…

    Hi, I am new to your blog and read it from start to finish! Your little guy Tre is an ABSOLUTE doll!!! I couldn't stop looking at his adorable pictures!

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