Monday, May 21, 2007
He's Getting Big, While We're Getting Busy!
So Tre` had a well visit today and we have a lot of following up to do. We should schedule an appointment for neurosurgery. He’d like them to investigate the flatness of his head. During his hospital stay, he spent most of his time on his back. Poor guy. His doctor “expected” his head to have rounded by now. As of now it has rounded because he’s a lot more mobile. He spoke of a possible helmet but we’d cross that bridge when we get to it.

His doctor also recommended a pediatric surgeon for inguinal hernia and hydrocele. These returned shortly after his initial surgery and I don’t know why. I have heard of the possibility but not to this degree. It’s not grossly enlarged or appear to be uncomfortable but it’s there and noticeable.

Periodically Tre` would cross his eyes when he’s excited. I don’t know if it’s shunt related or his nervous system. We’re going to have his ophthalmologist take a look.

He has four teeth at the bottom and four up top. They all came in discolored. It’s a green yellow tinge. On one hand it’s a possibility of prematurity. Another hand shows medication side effect. And hovering over us is possible reflux. In the end we’d have to see a dentist. This is going to be interesting. This child of mine HATES for someone to be in his mouth.

Weight27.2 lbs.
75 percentile

10 percentile

Head Circumference
48.5cm80 percentile

Today he wore a BRAND NEW 24mo outfit. Today will be the last of 24mo. I'm on a hunt for 2T now. Goodies, he's just getting bigger and bigger. I guess kids are supposed to do that, huh. I mean COME ON, an 18mo shirt makes him look like a brown Pooh Bear. Oh bother!

posted by Tre's Mom @ 4:40 PM  
  • At May 23, 2007 at 2:51:00 PM EDT, Blogger Jessica said…

    You go boy! You are getting so big!! Your friend ISabella is getting big too! She is already almost 21 lbs! She is still very short too and has a big head;) lol Its ok!

    My oldest did the helmet and we were so pleased with the results. He is 5 now and you cant even tell how flat his head once was! Hope everything else is going ok there with the sprinting too...

  • At May 25, 2007 at 3:24:00 PM EDT, Blogger anyta said…

    Hi Dwana! This is my first time on the site and i have finished reading through all the archives. I cannot express how inspiring you and your family are. My name is Anyta, we are neighbors, and my children and I met Baby Tre for the first time the other day. I must tell you, I am in LOVE!!!lol I know you are well aware of this but, Baby Tre is so full of light. He is captivating and absolutely adorable. His eyes just shine with strength and love(especially when he looks at his mama!). He is a miracle and God has a GREAT plan for him. He is a fighter and I have no doubt that he will continue to prove that the statistics do NOT apply to him!! Dwana- YOU ARE AN AMAZING MOTHER.I am humbled by you and your strength.It is easy to see where Baby Boy gets his strength from-it's in the genes!lol Your acceptance of his challenges along with your continous fight to not limit him by what others say he can and cannot do is NOBLE TO SAY THE LEAST. He is a blessed boy to have you and your husband as his parents. I am blessed to have you as our neighbor. I look forward to looking out the window or glancing across the yard and seeing your miraculous baby growing into a healthy boy and then one day a strong man. My prayers are always being lifted up for you and your family. Also I am a fellow SAHM -which alone comes with its own challenges- so I am almost always over here.Please do not hesitate if you need anything big or small,including just a friend to chat or cry with. My heart goes out to you and your amazing baby boy!! Talk to you soon.Love Anyta

  • At May 31, 2007 at 10:53:00 PM EDT, Blogger ~k~ said…

    Who's your neurosurgeon? Baby girl consulted with neurosurgery and the doctor was very abrupt but it made me feel so much better! Email me if you'd like to know about our appointment.

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