Monday, June 4, 2007
Breaking Up Is Hard to Do
Here we are the second week in June and we have not received our June schedule. This is actually common so we thought nothing of it.

Last night, while going though mail I realized that we had a letter from the nursing agency. From time to time we do get mail with a claim that they’ve tried to call me but didn’t get through. It’s funny because every other week I have to remind them of my home phone number AND it’s a Vonage account so I can see who called me, who I called, and listen to my voicemail online. Anyway, I opened the envelop and there stood a letter from Bayada stating that after June 8, they can no longer comply with the scheduling contract and they are backing out. Nothing like a break up in a letter! LMAO

I’m kind of mixed up with this one. At first I was elated that I don’t have to listen to a certain nurse make suicidal treats. This was the LAST thing I needed to deal with. My son is one thing but trying to keep a grown woman alive is not/ was not my specialty and I never claimed it to be. So, we were happy that we can have our house together as a family and “take care“ of our son with some normalcy, you know.

It didn’t take me too long to realize how serious this really is. To begin with, who am I to call is something bad happened if Vic is at work and I’m home alone? I don’t believe we have a situation like that in our future but what if? Another thing that bugs me out is, what if Tre` was very sick? Is this something that they do when they have children chronically ill? This isn’t right!

They said that they were giving me until June 8 with them. I have no back up company as of yet. I DO NOT want my son to have to end up in the hospital because of what Bayada did to me. Abandonment? Maybe? I’m worried that this is something they will do again if not before us. Urrrgh!

A copy of the letter was sent to two of his doctors that has ALSO tried to get coverage. We are not to make any changes until things are resolved. I’m so pissed I can’t even update.

posted by Tre's Mom @ 10:46 PM  
  • At June 5, 2007 at 9:48:00 AM EDT, Blogger Jessica said…

    Sorry you are going thru this. I can't believe they didn't even have the decency to call you! I hope you guys can find another nursing company in the meantime. Tre has been making such great progress! Hang in there..

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