We were seen by his ACTUAL Speech Therapist. She seems ok, nothing to get excited about. She couldn't get him to eat a bite. I did warn her that he is extremely strong and determined as I do any new comers even though I know they'd like to test the waters a little. That's not a problem cause they've been warned. In time, I'll need a Beware of Tre` sign up on his kid cart and bedroom door. Too many times nurses tell me how he scratched, hit, or pulled something. I don't think it's intentional, I think he's just having fun and he doesn't realize his strength. Anyway, ST was in her "getting to know you" stage. She wanted to build trust between him and her before she shoves food in his mouth. They played with the Z-vibe a lot. Like his noonie, he'd only us it if HE puts it in his mouth. If you try to put it in his mouth yourself, it would be a fight to the finish! Since she wasn't getting any success with feeding (she even tried putting dabs on his toys), she asked to see how I've been getting him to eat. We did great. I made eating fun not a choir. We laughed and played the entire time. He gagged only once because he's still not used to the whole thing. He finished his quota in record time. I was given pointers like pressing down on his tongue not up and bringing the spoon to the corner of his mouth. In time, well get it.
I gave pulmonary his weekly report and desite the nursing care they've decided to increase his sprinting by an hour. Can I get a WHAT WHAT!!! LOL That's four hours twice per day. Soon enough he'll be off during the day and only on the vent at night. Before I got too excited she did inform me that if we don't get adequate nursing his trials would have to be done in the hospital. What this means is that he'd have to go BACK to the hospital for a few days. I get upset just thinking of it. I don't want him to go back. He just came home..
What sucks right now is that Tre` is being seen by ST ad PT only. There isn't a DI or OT to follow him. I'm not exactly sure why, either. If ST and/ or PT has time within their session, they'd provide some developmental intervention (DI) or occupational therapy (OT). He gets therapy once a week for each therapist. Is this even right?!?! How is THIS supposed to work if he's this far behind?!?! Urgggh!
Here is a thumbnail (picture) of him taking a bath while off the vent! Yay for Tre`.
Yeah for Tre on the sprinting! That is AWESOME!!
Sorry to hear about the nursing and therapy problems. What have they told you about increasing the therapy he is getting? Can your doc refer any private services? I know here in MN they are good about increasing if there is a concern. Seems like they are doing such an injustice to you all.
You'll continue to be in my preemie prayers:)
Jess, Bella, Savannah, and Isaac