Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Just One Step Away From Being Trach Free
Doctor Tre` was reevaluated for capping last week. I’m so happy to report that it was a complete success. Capping basically forces a person to breathe from their mouth and nose only. It shuts down the trached airway. So as some of you may know the first capping was ineffective. I was so nervous that he would handle the second trial but I’m nervous before every appointment (It could be as simple as being late (a regular) and as terrible as bad news.) Vic and I were caught by surprise the moment the cap went on. Tre` acted as if there was no change. He played and talked danced and talked some more. It was unbelievable.

His doctor was so impressed that she doesn’t want a sleep study prior to decannulation (Removal of a tracheostomy tube.) With a sleep study Tre` will be capped overnight during a 2 – 4 day stay at the hospital. Our game is to keep him capped while he’s awake. In a month, I will call the doctor to report how he tolerated the capping. At that point she and I will schedule his decannulation process. He will stay overnight for a total of four nights. The first two nights, he will be capped for 48 hours (night and day). If that is successful, his raced will be pulled completely out. He will be monitored for another two days. If THAT’S successful, good-bye tracheostomy!

Cheerleader 1

I’m going to keep my fingers…toes, and eyes crossed for this one. I’m shocked that this is being done in the fall. Wait, I’m nervous that this is being done in the fall. Tre` is known to catch a cold right before an appointment.
posted by Tre's Mom @ 10:22 AM  
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