Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Pit-bull With a Diapers
Lips There’s a little girl in school with Tre` that tries to kiss him every chance she has. While it may sound cute, Vic and I are not too fond of it. He’s in a medical day care! Like any other day care kids get sick all the time. I’ve been trying to keep him as healthy as I possibly can. I can see if it was a relative but I she’s obviously not.

So someone called me from the daycare saying that the little girl pulled a chair up to his highchair, climbed up, and bit him on his cheek. Hell fire couldn’t scorch me I was livid. I needed to know where the nurses and staff were, his reaction, if skin was broken, where the little girl was after the incident, have they notified the parent (s), and if they will write a report. I was told that there was no broken skin but a small round bruise that they put ice on. He didn’t like it but hey kept it on for as long as they could. She said the nurse left the toddler room to get snacks so they were short one staff member. That was understood. I was promised that they will keep her away from him and never allow ANYONE close enough to kiss him. Now he can play with other kids but I don’t want this happening again. She also told me she will notify the little girls’ parents once we were off the phone.

What is wrong with this child?!?! Biting people? Seriously? If it happens again, I’m going to have a talk with her mother!

Puppy 3
posted by Tre's Mom @ 11:06 AM  
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